同时,我也遇到一些困难,然后针对这些困难,我也想出了适当的解决方法。如,后进生的学习效率不佳,英语才成绩下坡不止,遇到这种情况,我就分组晚自习辅导,针对他们的薄弱环节反复讲解。再如,有些学生对英语只学不说,会做题,但对英语的口语表达不娴熟,有的甚至害怕说英语。这也是英语教学中的一大问题,就是所谓的哑巴英语,对于这种类型的学生,我充分利用早读时间,多带读,多沟通,课上多鼓励他们发言,培养他们的朗读能力。有些同学对英语的学习失去了信心,我就多开导,树立他们的信心,通过英语游戏才增加学习英语的兴趣,课后多辅导,为他们排忧解难 ……此处隐藏6670个字……么时候才能记住,现在,我越学越上瘾。
英语的周记15I'm now living in a small house with my parents.Life for us is hard but happy.I must study hard so that I can buy a big new house some day.I call it a dream house.
It has three floors with five bedrooms,three bathrooms,two big dining rooms and two living rooms.When my friends come to visit me,I will have enough bedrooms for them.We'll have a good time.Besides that,we will have a swimming pool behind the house and a garden in front of the house.In the morning,my parents can do some exercise in the garden.The air must be very fresh.When we feel tired,we can have a swim in the swimming pool.Life will be easy for us.
I'll study harder than before so that the dream can come true.